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Bohran Javani

Keeping in mind that over %60 of Iran’s population is under 30, I went to Toronto, a city recognised as the “best city to be young in,” to see how they’re getting it right. This was an amazing experience not only because I expanded my knowledge of filmmaking and story-telling within a 45-minute narrative, but because of the volatile subject-matter.

With the help of my researcher, I delved into the most essential aspects of success and failure for young populations, while maintaining all the nuanced characteristics – culturally, politically and socially – that separate Iran and Canada; Tehran and Toronto. Lack of access to Iran, both visually and content-wise (I wish I could get an interview with a representative of Iran’s Ministry of Education, for example), makes the work of journalists like me very difficult here. But we found ways around and through it. I stuck to facts and numbers to ground all assessments, yet still anticipated a lot of people getting defensive over such criticisms on Iran’s infrastructure responsible for the future of its youth. Through-out the editing process I became more confident in the story, as I realised that intelligently magnifying such challenges is a first step to finding solutions – and Toronto provided a great somewhat politically neutral example, although the city of course is far from a utopia.

It’s a first, not a perfect attempt. Hope you enjoy it.