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I’S BEEN CRAZY. I’m sorry, I’m sorry for the neglect, for the missed calls, for the obnoxiously belated wishes and responses but hopefully, it’s all for good.


One of my preoccupations has been the new season of Samte No. We’ve made changes; Marjan has joined the team — Sally left, sadly — and this time we cover more than one topic. We review and comment the week’s hottest current news, national and international, and in the second half we’re joined by our guest to discuss another relevant issue.

First week was about Ramadan and its paradoxes in Iran, the new controversial #FacebookExperiment where users acted as guinea pigs for scientists studying behavioural changes. And of course, football/soccer and the discourse surrounding the players and the fans. Our guest was Golnaz Ashtiani, a talented fashion designer in London, and she helped us discuss street style and fashion in Iran, despite and in-spite of the strict dress code regulations.

I’m hosting the next episode airing this Saturday (10:00 p.m. Tehran time), so stay tuned!

If I’m not, I’m on Twitter or Instagram of FB. Byeee.